Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our Local Control Accountability Plan

For the 2013-2014 school year, California took bold action to change the way funds are allocated to school districts.  The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provides a baseline level of funding and allocates additional money above baseline for targeted disadvantaged students.  

In addition to changing the formula for funding, the new model provides flexibility to local school boards to tailor services to the local needs of students in their districts.  Rather than proscribe the way the supplemental money is spent, as traditionally done through categorical programs, districts are to develop programs that work best for their students' needs. 

In order to remain accountable to the local needs of students and the community, all California school districts are required to develop a Local Control Accountability Plan, which must be adopted by the Board of Trustees by July 1.  As part of the process, districts are required to seek community input into their accountability plans.  The Berryessa School District has been soliciting input from stakeholders over the past few months.  Meetings have been held with community groups, parents, teachers, classified staff, students, and the Board of Trustees.  In addition, over 700 surveys were collected both online and on paper forms.

The LCAP will be finalized using a template developed by the State Board of Education.  The draft plan will be presented at a public hearing on Tuesday, June 3.  Members of the community are invited to come at 7:00 to hear about the draft plan and provide input.  After this final round of public comment is incorporated into the plan, the Board of Trustees will approve the final LCAP at the June 17 Board meeting and the plan will be submitted to the County Office of Education.

Key themes that emerged from the stakeholder engagement period include the importance of thoughtful implementation of Common Core Standards, a focus on social emotional skills and mental health, expanded science education, parent education and involvement, expanded electives and enrichment programs, increased access to technology, and professional development for staff and parents.  As a result, the district, during the 2014-15 school year, intends to invest in school social workers, instructional coaches focused on science, technology, and English learners, a new math initiative, additional special education classes, anti-bullying programs, advanced learner programs, professional development for all staff, and a Parent University.

Please join us on Tuesday, June 3 to learn more about the district's LCAP and to provide your input.  The plan draft can be viewed here.