At the August 24 Board meeting, three employees were singled out as district Employees of the Year. These are employees selected by their peers for demonstrating high expectations of themselves and enhancing the educational opportunities for the district's students. They exemplify the professionalism of our staff and what is outstanding about our district.
The Classified Employee of the year is Diana Carlet, who is the School Secretary at Noble Elementary School. She helps keep that school running smoothly and is the smiling face that greets every visitor to the school. More importantly, she always has a focus on the students and provides incredible customer service to everyone who comes through the doors at Noble.
Administrator of the year is Chris Mosley, the principal at Morrill Middle School. Wherever in the district Mr. Mosely has been assigned, he has sought excellence, made the success of students his highest priority, and worked closely with staff and parents to make his school the best possible place. Prior to being principal at Morrill, he spent several years as the beloved principal of Noble Elementary School and assistant principal at Sierramont Middle School.

This year's Teacher of the year, who will represent the district at the County Teacher awards in September, is Randy Lee, a kindergarten teacher at Ruskin Elementary School. Mr. Lee has an amazing ability to work with youngsters who are just starting school, to motivate them and teach them the skills they need to be successful as they embark on the journey toward high school graduation. He represents the values we expect from all of our teachers.
Congratulations to all three winners. And thanks to all the employees of the Berryessa Union School District.
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